Lab Images and WDWeb
WD Web Company, the parent company of MorePhotos and LabImages, was founded in 1996. Located in Traverse City, Michigan, WD Web specializes in website design and development using ASP, Visual Basic, HTML5, Javascript, and Cold Fusion. The company has designed and consulted on thousands of websites. Currently WD Web hosts over 2800 sites.
All of WD Web's design and programming are done in-house by highly-qualified professionals in the industry. WD Web also maintains over twenty on-site servers to handle the Internet hosting needs of its clients.
Services offered by WD Web include custom site design and graphics, domain nameregistration, email management, site maintenance, e-commerce/shopping carts, secure servers, hosting, database technology, and more.
In June 1998, WD Web began development on MorePhotos, software that provides photography professionals with an Internet sales solution for their product. Since its launch in January of 2000, MorePhotos has become a lead innovator in the online photo proofing and sales market. The concept behind the product is a turnkey web presence for professional photographers to upload and sell their photographs to anyone with an Internet connection, anywhere in the world. The result of clients using the software is increased sales and exposure using simple to use tools and marketing concepts.
WD Web is proud of the management, technical, and design professionals that make up WD Web, Lab Images, and MorePhotos!
231-932-0855 ext. 15
231-932-0855 ext. 19
Sales and Marketing, East Coast
Kellie Kane
Sales and Marketing, West Coast