Pricing Information
Basic Lab Pricing
Plan 1: Lab does their own tech support:
Domain Set-up $495
Monthly/domain $100
Monthly per Site $5.00
Plan 2: MorePhotos does tech support for the lab:
Setup $495
Monthly $150
Monthly per Site $10.00
Additional Costs
Image Costs
Other Costs
High Resolution Image Storage: $4.00 / 5 gig of space per month.
Email Pricing:
- If the client is a client that has a website (full Domain) through us, or one of our labs, then the charge per email address will be 2.00 per email address at the time of this writing. (FROM Wdweb/MorePhotos/LabImages) This pricing may change at our discretion, and those that wish to discontinue this service can do so at any time.
- If the client is a lab’s client, this cost per email address will be passed onto the lab’s customers by the lab. Wdweb/MorePhotos/LabImages will bill the lab and the Lab will be responsible for billing their customers. To aide in this process:
- We have started a billing area where this will be shown as a line item to the lab that they can add as a line item to their clients.
- The lab will have the ability to add an SKU number to this line item to work with their accounting software.
- The lab will be able to UPCHARGE for this email service if they so choose.
- If the client does not have a website plan through us, or one of our labs, but still wishes us to maintain their email account(s), we will have a 10.00 per month account fee plus and an additional 2.00 per email address per month fee that will be handled directly by our accounting department. The 10.00 per month base rate was established to handle the additional accounting and support costs associated with the processing and support of this type of customer.
- Email charges are non-refundable and separate from the rest of our services. Any credit to be considered will never exceed the amount of one month of charges for the email service (2.00 per email address).
Domain Name Pricing:
- If the domain names are purchased through Wdweb/MorePhotos/LabImages, then the domain customer will be a customer of Wdweb for this purpose and we will handle billing through our normal domain service system. The charge as of the time of this writing is 16.00 per year for MOST domain names. This may change at our discretion, and those not wishing to continue using our domain service may move to any registrar they wish at any time they wish. By using this service, Wdweb/MorePhotos/LabImages is able to assist you in keeping your domain current, and by request, we may even renew it automatically. We NEVER hold a domain hostage,
- Domain Name charges are non-refundable and separate from the rest of our services. Any credit to be considered will never exceed the amount of one year of charges for the domain name/registrar service (16.00 per domain name).
- If the customer has purchased their domain name outside Wdweb/MorePhotos/LabImages, it can still be used with our other services, but we will not be able to assist with it's upkeep.